Hades, overlord of the underworld, is one of the most relatable disney villains. He was tired of his job, tired of his brother, tired of the other gods using him as a punchline so he plotted his revenge. Maybe killing the heir of Olympus was a little overboard but when your contacts list is made up of shape shifting suck ups and riddle speaking old hags you're bound to have a screw loose here or there. Hades, like Ursula, is a villain of contracts. He's a business man and knows opportunity when he sees it.
The son of my hated rival trapped forever in a river of death. Is there a downside to this?
We dance, we kiss, we shmooze, we carry on, we go home happy. What do ya say?
It's a small afterworld after all
Memo to me, memo to me. Maim you after my meeting
I'm about to rearrange the cosmos!
This is my take on a 90s punk/grunge Hades. Big blue hair, denim, spikes, and buttons. I am in LOVE with this look! It's just amazing and I feel like a bad ass in it. The denim jacket I'm wearing is some kind of denim duster/trenchcoat and it hangs down to my ankles. Paired with black ankle boots, leggings, plain grey t, and ray bands - I feel like a rockstar.