Saturday, July 4, 2015


Hades, overlord of the underworld, is one of the most relatable disney villains. He was tired of his job, tired of his brother, tired of the other gods using him as a punchline so he plotted his revenge. Maybe killing the heir of Olympus was a little overboard but when your contacts list is made up of shape shifting suck ups and riddle speaking old hags you're bound to have a screw loose here or there.  Hades, like Ursula, is a villain of contracts. He's a business man and knows opportunity when he sees it.

The son of my hated rival trapped forever in a river of death. Is there a downside to this? 

We dance, we kiss, we shmooze, we carry on, we go home happy. What do ya say? 

It's a small afterworld after all

Memo to me, memo to me. Maim you after my meeting

I'm about to rearrange the cosmos! 

This is my take on a 90s punk/grunge Hades. Big blue hair, denim, spikes, and buttons. I am in LOVE with this look! It's just amazing and I feel like a bad ass in it. The denim jacket I'm wearing is some kind of denim duster/trenchcoat and it hangs down to my ankles. Paired with black ankle boots, leggings, plain grey t, and ray bands - I feel like a rockstar. 

Hades Pins

Lord of the underworld has got to represent. 

Time: Two Days

What You'll need:

AirDry clay (I used crayola)
Acrylic paint in colors of your choice
Paint brushes
Hot glue gun
Glue gun sticks
Pin backs

 Skull Pin

1) Form clay in the shape of mushroom. It's okay if it's not paper thin, you need some thickness so that the pin won't crack apart as its drying.

2) let dry over night

3) paint pin grey and then add black details. Let dry.

4. Hot glue pin back to non paint side of the pin. Wait for glue to cool.

Button pins

1. Form clay into a ball and then press it onto a flat surface so that it becomes a "coin". At least one side has to be flat.

2. Let dry

3. Paint buttons however you want. Paint on the non flat side. I made some for Pain and Panic (Hades' minion), H for Hades, a worn out Olympic coin (from the movie), and classic 90s alien and yin/yang. Let paint dry.

4. Hot glue your pin back to the flat side without paint. Let glue cool.

Discussion: the pins are one time use. The hot glue keeps popping off. Does anyone know of a stronger glue that might work?